Back in the water – Bangor

First thing this morning BJ Marine lifted the boat back in the water. The previous couple of days were spent dodging showers to try and antifoul the boat. We managed, but not without a fair amount of grief and impolite language! We also cleaned off the worst of the muck from the winter – mainly the port and starboard quarters where the rain and muck run down through the toerail from the dip on the deck. These areas were then polished to try and protect them a little. The rest of the hull was just wiped over.

Other work done was:

  • Two new shaft anodes (inch and a quarter)
  • Removing the main prop anode and cleaning the face and anode (it hadn’t eroded much at all)
  • New cover for the wheel
  • Engine service

A bit of a compromise all round, but she was looking nice again when lifted back in. Going back into the water was quite an experience at low water. We stepped back on board over the pulpit when they lowered her to that level and were then lowered down into a void about 15 feet below. Once in properly, we just reversed out of the dock and motored back round to our berth.

The rest of the day was spent putting sails back on, refitting the main cover, sprayhood and a few other bits and pieces ready for off.

Heading back down to the water

Beached in Bangor

We’re back on board in Bangor at last. The boat has survived the winter reasonably well and seems moderately dry despite the appalling weather they have had here. We had to throw away a few pillows that were not worth sleeping on, but generally the boat looks good.

Today saw her taken out of the water for the weekend. We  motored round to the dock at BJ Marine and into the slings. She was then hoisted straight out with us on board. When the pulpit reached the height of the concrete, we just stepped off!

The fouling was not too great and even the prop had only slight barnacle growth on it. The engineer suggested that the fouling might have been less because of the higher than usual rainfall and snow. In the corner of the marina are two large pipes which bring in fresh water from a local river, so the water may have been less saline than usual resulting in less growth.

While she is put of the water the prop will be cleaned, new shaft anodes and prop anodes put in place and we will clean and antifoul her. Tuesday morning she will go back in the water.