Flolloping to Fowey

Summary: Plymouth to Fowey. 28.2 miles in 4 hours and 25 minutes. A bit of a bouncy trip with quite a left-over swell from the previous three days of gales, but we managed to sail most of the way.

Fowey from St.Catherine's Castle

We at last left Plymouth after waiting nearly four days for the gale to abate. The wind finally dropped overnight, but we were still graunching and tugging at the mooring lines all night, so not a great night’s sleep. Out of the harbour we found a W4 and motorsailed with one reef in the main out towards the Eddystone Rocks to clear the point. Once clear we tacked round and pulled out most of the jib. We had a great sail towards Fowey, though we went a little further than necessary as I had overstood the entrance a little before tacking. At the entrance we found we were not the only visitors that day with a large cruise ship anchored directly across the mouth of the river and tenders buzzing in and out with passengers. However, inside was very quiet and we picked up a visitor’s buoy.

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