The long and winding road to Lulworth (and back)

Summary: 31.6 miles in 4 hours and 45 minutes. From Portland marina to Portland marina via Lulworth Cove.

Bob, Jilly and George en route to Lulworth

Bob and Jilly and George arrived after an early morning start to a fairly murky day. Visibility was only a couple of miles and the wind was blowing resolutely from the east – where we wanted to go. However, we went out and tacked along the shore through a short chop with one reef and two thirds jib.

It took us three hours to do the 8 miles to Lulworth Cove and we did 20 miles on the log! With the wind and tide against us, it was a slow sail. Neverthless we had a nice sail with the boat going nicely.

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