Perambulating to Poole

Summary: Lymington to Poole. 33.7 miles in five and a quarter hours. A nice breeze – W to SW between 3-5. Tacked all the way across and were buzzed by a Coastguard rescue helicopter in Poole Bay and asked to take part in a hi-line rescue training exercise.

Alex, Ian, Matt, Neil and Rich

Alex, Ian, Matt, Neil and Rich joined me in Lymington for lunch and at about 2.45pm we left Lymington. Motored out of the river and then hoisted the main with one reef and about two-thirds jib. We had to tack for a bit against the tide through the Hurst Narrows, but the tide was lessening and was then with us across Poole Bay (through the North Channel). We had to tack all the way across the bay and while on the first board across toward Hengistbury Head, a Coastguard helicopter passed us and then turned round and asked us to take part in a hi-line rescue training exercise. See separate posting for details of this.

After we had finished with them, we tacked back out and then back towards Bournemouth Pier. A final tack brought us to the Swash Channel into Poole. We decided to take the sails down off Brownsea after seeing that Monday night was a racing night – the harbour was filled with sails; X-boats, cruisers and various dinghies. It was easier to pick our way through them under power.

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